Canada's energy sector has brought prosperity to some, while leaving others behind. That’s why we develop policy solutions to help all workers thrive in a low-carbon economy. We propose ideas that will help Canada's energy sector workers have stable, well-paid jobs and equal access to training and other opportunities, so that the new energy economy benefits everyone.
Equitable Transition
Canadian communities need to know that governments are planning for the future.

Low-carbon energy jobs to see strong growth
By 2050, low-carbon energy jobs could make up around 10% of employment in Canada for a total of nearly 2 million direct and indirect jobs. (Data source: Navius Research Inc; see A Sustainable Jobs Blueprint: Part II (2023))
Key Numbers
How can Canada be part of the clean energy employment surge happening globally?
The latest World Energy Employment report by the International Energy Agency shows that, globally, jobs in clean energy are growing at 3.8%, faster than the rest of the economy, which grew at 2.2%. This trend is expected to continue. While this is good news for Canada, we cannot expect these jobs to appear in this country without concerted effort.
Read the articleResearch & Analysis

Protecting workers key to Canada’s short-term tariff response
The country needs short- and long-term strategies in this chaotic moment
Tariffs show the path to a resilient Canadian economy is built on abundant clean energy
Pembina reacts to U.S. tariff announcement

New skills for new prosperity
Addressing Canada’s skills shortage is key to building a low-carbon economy

Assembling the Future
Powering a healthier, more affordable Ontario

Why work on jobs and the economy?
Policies of today bring prosperity for tomorrow.
As global demand for new energy sources increases and fossil fuel use slows, Canada needs credible policy solutions that support communities, the economy, and a safe climate. We show how pathways toward the new energy economy create jobs and opportunities, especially for those who may not have benefited from the traditional energy sector.

What are we advocating for?
Maximizing the benefits while reducing the disruption caused by the shift to a new energy economy requires a systems approach. We look at how the following policy areas overlap and enable the best possible future for Canadians.
- Workforce development, skills building, training, and education
- Regional development and diversification
- Industrial strategy and sector growth strategies
- Labour rights
- Social security
- Equity
We advocate for policies that ensure the clean economy of tomorrow benefits everyone.

Workforce development
Workers and communities are at the centre of Canada’s new energy economy.
Engaging Canadian workers and communities in planning for good jobs and prosperity in an economy powered increasingly by new energy sources requires a broad, systems-focused and holistic approach. Our solutions-based policies advocate for bringing workers to the table as leaders in the new energy economy.

Industrial strategy
It is time for an industrial strategy that maximizes Canada’s ability to realize gains from clean growth opportunities. With a coordinated approach by labour, government and industry, Canada can attract the investment that will drive our economic success and prosperity.

New Energy Economy Jobs
It's time to put workers and communities at the centre of Canada’s shift toward the new energy economy.

Contact our Equitable Transition team

Manager, Equitable Transition
Megan Gordon
c: 604-245-1408
Media Contact
Lejla Latifović (Eastern Time; English)
c: 819-639-4185
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Support equality
Help ensure the clean energy sectors of tomorrow are diverse, inclusive and equitable.