Increasing housing supply in Ontario

Submission to the Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing on increasing housing supply in Ontario

We are pleased that the Government of Ontario is developing a Housing Supply Action Plan to address barriers that are limiting the volume of ownership and rental housing in the province. As the government is aware, housing is one of the largest cost burdens for households in Ontario and the problem will only escalate if left unaddressed. We have an opportunity to continue to build housing alongside existing and planned transit infrastructure to provide more housing and transportation choices to Ontarians and reduce pollution from automobile travel. 

 Ontario’s population is expected to grow by 30.2% from 14.2 million in 2017 to 18.5 million in 2041, with the Greater Toronto Area expected to be the fastest growing region in the province. To date, new housing supply has not kept up with increasing demand from a growing population, creating housing stock shortages and affordability problems. Given these challenges, the Pembina Institute supports the government’s objective of increasing housing supply in the province. 

We believe that there are three key areas that the government should prioritize when developing the Housing Supply Action Plan: i) supporting municipalities in updating official plans and zoning bylaws to comply with existing provincial growth policies, ii) implementing transit supportive development that is inclusive and maximizes public benefit, and iii) curbing urban sprawl and safeguarding the environment.