Climate Policy Leadership in Ontario

The Pembina Institute’s recommendations to future leaders

For voters and candidates alike, elections are an opportunity to discuss issues that are existential to the province, such as climate change.

Ontario’s electoral candidates have many options for policy change and incentives to pursue as they build their party platforms and consider how they will lead Ontario for the next four years. The Pembina Institute’s hope is to add policies that decrease GHGs emissions caused by transportation, buildings and electricity generation to all party platforms.

The attached document outlines a number of recommendations for consideration, each of which will move Ontario one step further towards a vital energy transition that will help meet Canada’s climate goals and stave off the worst effects of climate change.

The coming world-wide energy transition will be a job generator, with International Energy Agency estimating 14 million new energy jobs and 16 million new jobs in energy efficiency worldwide. With the right policies and incentives, Ontario’s workforce is poised to reap the benefits and show that Ontario is a leading jurisdiction when it comes to climate change.


  • Ontario accounts for 22% of Canada’s emissions. It is the second highest emitter in terms of absolute emissions (163 Mt).
  • However, given its large population, it has the second lowest per capita emissions in Canada (11.2 tonnes per person).
  • The largest source of emissions in Ontario is transportation (36%), followed by buildings (24%) and heavy industry (17%). Since 2005, transportation and buildings emissions increased by 3% and 8% respectively, while emissions from heavy industry decreased by 20%.
  • Ontario is already doing some things well: electricity generation is currently one of the cleanest in the country, though we need to avoid rolling back those gains.
  • But on GHGs produced through transportation and buildings, we have a long way to go. 

Click on the link to explore the Pembina Institute's advice to candidates and parties for the 2022 Ontario election.