Cool Business Guide: Lower Costs, Higher Productivity and Climate Change Solutions

March 1, 2001
Duncan Noble

This 100-page guide was designed to help managers of small and mid-sized businesses learn how they can respond to and profit from actions to address the climate change challenge. It uses a step-by-step approach to show how businesses can plan and implement their response to climate change and achieve lower costs, higher productivity and increased competitiveness. The guide's short, easy-to-read sections will:

  • introduce readers to climate change
  • identify how climate change could affect businesses
  • give examples of how leading businesses are profiting from their response to climate change
  • provide practical, straightforward tools that can be used immediately to plan and implement a business response.

Key topics include:

  • What is climate change?
  • What are the major risks and opportunities for business?
  • Success stories: how leading businesses are profiting from their response to climate change
  • Tools and approaches to guide your response to climate change
  • What to do next and where to find help and resources

The guide is also a valuable reference that describes many government and private sector resources and tools to help you obtain expertise, networking and financial assistance.