Comments on Proposed CEPA Export and Import of Hazard Wastes and Hazardous Recyclable Materials Regulations

Discussion Paper

This commentary, prepared for the Toxics Caucus of the Canadian Environment Network, reviews Environmental Canada's January 2002 discussion paper on the proposed CEPA Export and Import of Hazardous Waste and Hazardous Recyclable Materials Regulations. The proposed regulations would implement and operationalize provisions added to the waste import and export provisions of CEPA through CEPA 1999, particularly with respect to ensuring the environmentally sound management of wastes imported into Canada, and the establishment of waste reduction planning requirements for Canadian hazardous waste exporters.

The proposed regulations would introduce a number of positive changes the federal hazardous waste regime, including the introduction of standards for the environmentally sound management of wastes. However, a number of significant gaps and sources of concern exist within Environment Canada's January 2002 proposals.

A brief commentary on Environment Canada's regulatory proposals regarding hazardous waste management by federal institutions and on federal and aboriginal lands is included in Appendix 1 of this document.
