Climate Change Reality Check

Straight Talk About Kyoto

Produced and distributed by a coalition of labour, environmental and citizens' organizations, including the Pembina Institute, Straight Talk About Kyoto presents key facts in response to eleven myths about the Kyoto Protocol and climate change. These myths, prominent in the Alberta government's anti-Kyoto propaganda campaign, include the following:

  • The science is uncertain (in reality, the vast majority of experts agree that human activity is having a major influence on climate)
  • Kyoto spells economic disaster (in reality, even the most unlikely, worst-case for implementing Kyoto only slightly slows Canada's economic growth)
  • Kyoto will cost workers their jobs (in reality, Kyoto does not mean job loss, and it could well mean more jobs).
  • Energy costs will sky-rocket (in reality, the worst-case price increases under Kyoto are less than half of price hikes we already face for other reasons)
  • The energy industry is united against Kyoto (in reality, progressive, responsible energy companies are not fighting Kyoto because they're prepared for it).
  • We have not been consulted (in reality, Alberta has been in continuous consultations with the federal government on climate change and Kyoto since the mid 1990s)
  • Alberta has a better "made-in-Canada" solution (in reality, Kyoto provides for a made in Canada solution while the Alberta "plan" sabotages international efforts to protect the climate).

Web addresses are provided to obtain additional information and contact details are given for key federal and provincial politicians.