Canadian Solutions

Practical and Affordable Steps to Fight Climate Change

October 1, 1998
David Suzuki Foundation
Pembina Institute

Published by the Pembina Institute and the David Suzuki Foundation, Canadian Solutions offers a concrete action plan for Canada's federal and provincial governments to protect the climate. Taken together, the 17 measures could reduce national greenhouse gas emissions in the year 2010 by 144 megatonnes — enough to reduce Canada's emissions 6% below 1990 levels and meet the commitment made in Kyoto. The measures cover all sectors of the economy, and include a mix of fiscal, regulatory and voluntary initiatives that can be implemented immediately through the use of currently available technologies.

The paper briefly describes each measure, along with the additional environmental benefits, economic costs and benefits, and an implementation strategy for governments.

Some of the steps discussed in Canadian Solutions include:

  • imposing regulations for stricter new fuel efficiency standards for all new motor vehicles sold in Canada
  • ensuring replacement of coal with natural gas and renewable sources of energy to generate electricity
  • providing incentives, regulations and support to improve energy conservation in new and existing homes and commercial buildings