After Kyoto

Allocating Responsibility for Reducing Canada's Greenhouse Gas Emissions

September 1, 1998

This document contains the proceedings of a two-day conference held in April 1998 to consider how responsibility for meeting Canada's Kyoto target should be allocated among the country's provinces, industrial sectors, organizations, municipalities, governments, and the general public. It includes papers presented by 15 Canadian and international speakers, as well as a panel discussion and a range of stakeholder perspectives on allocation approaches. The conference featured plenary sessions on:

  • the challenge facing Canada as it seeks to meet the Kyoto commitment,
  • allocation issues and approaches,
  • international trading, and
  • allocation options.

Delegates also worked in small groups, considering possible allocation approaches and identifying their concerns and design considerations for an allocation framework. These deliberations are summarized in the proceedings. The conference was a joint project of the Canadian Energy Research Institute, the Conference Board of Canada, Pollution Probe and the Pembina Institute.