Green Budget Coalition

Recommendations for Budget 2024

The Green Budget Coalition comprises 21 of Canada’s leading environmental organizations including the Pembina Institute.

The Green Budget Coalition (GBC) appreciated the major federal funding announcements for climate and nature in Budget 2023 and at the UN Convention on Biological Diversity COP15 in Montreal, and urges the government to continue to seize this opportunity to transform society to address the twin climate and biodiversity crises, create sustainable jobs and ensure enduring prosperity and well-being for all.

Building on the Green Budget Coalition’s expertise, this document provides a comprehensive package of timely budget and fiscal recommendations whose adoption would advance progress on climate, nature, and equity, while creating jobs and protecting individual and collective health.

The Green Budget Coalition is featuring five recommendations for Budget 2024:

  1. Financing nature protection and recovery in Canada
  2. Renovation wave for climate resilient homes and affordable home energy
  3. Advancing a zero-emissions electricity grid based on renewables
  4. Sustainable jobs for a net-zero Canada
  5. Sustainable agriculture

For all new and ongoing environmental programs, we emphasize the importance of effective implementation, monitoring, and evaluation to ensure successful outcomes.