


Banner: Building Momentum Toward Net Zero // Donner de l’élan à la carboneutralité with logos from CCI and NZAB

Building Momentum Toward Net Zero // Donner de l’élan à la carboneutralité

The third annual pan-Canadian climate conference (CCI & NZAB) // La troisième conférence pancanadienne annuelle sur le climat (CCI & NZAB)

The third annual climate conference co-hosted by the Canadian Climate Institute and the Net-Zero Advisory Body, Building Momentum Toward Net Zero // Donner de l’élan à la carboneutralité will feature keynote speakers and moderated panels with national and international climate policy experts. They will delve into timely climate-related topics that will explore Canada’s journey toward net zero, with a focus on what’s working well and what we need to do to keep on track.

The conference features a diverse range of speakers including:

  • Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson, Minister of Natural Resources 
  • Honourable Steven Guilbeault, Minister of Environment and Climate Change 
  • Geoffrey R. Pyatt, Assistant Secretary for Energy Resources, U.S. Department of State 
  • James Jenkins, Executive Director, Indigenous Clean Energy 
  • Corinne Le Quéré, Chair, The High Council for Climate, France

Capping Oil and Gas Emissions

The Pembina Institute’s executive director, Chris Severson-Baker, will be on a panel discussion called “Capping Oil and Gas Emissions” at 4:35pm ET.

Scientists are clear that to avoid the worst consequences of climate change we need to attain net zero emissions by 2050 and follow a steady emissions reduction trajectory between now and 2050. This is a key reason countries must set interim reduction targets like Canada’s 2030 target. This session explores the emissions performance of the domestic oil and gas sector as it relates to global peers, in the context of meeting Canada’s 2030 target, the upcoming regulatory cap on oil and gas emissions, and future Canadian competitiveness.

Moderator: Dan Wicklum, NZAB ​​​​​​


  • Mark Cameron, Pathways Alliance
  • Chris Severson-Baker, Pembina Institute
  • Sara Hastings-Simon, University of Calgary

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