

Toronto, ON

Heavy-duty vehicles on a Canadian highway

The Inflation Reduction Act, Budget 2023, and the Canadian MHDV sector

A virtual panel for UDSI members

The Pembina Institute is hosting a virtual panel discussion with special guests Benjamin Sharpe (Canada Regional Lead at the International Council on Clean Transportation); Ted Dowling (Managing Director for North America at Ebusco); and Patrick Gervais (Vice-president of Truck & Public Affairs (Canada) for Lion Electric).

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) includes generous tax credits for American trucking companies to purchase battery electric or hydrogen fuel cell heavy-duty vehicles. Also included are incentives for the production and distribution of alternative fuels, including hydrogen, biodiesel, and renewable natural gas. The expectation is that the incentives will accelerate the adoption of trucks powered by hydrogen, electricity or alternative fuels. The 2023 Federal Budget also announced incentives for electric vehicle manufacturing.

​​​Our panel experts will lead a discussion on the IRA’s potential impact on Canada’s MHDV sector and whether we can expect a similar acceleration in Canada, or if Canadian policymakers will need to create comparable financial tools to equalize the market. They will also discuss how and whether Budget 2023 matches against the IRA’s incentives.

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