Dialogue amplifies diverse voices around Women in the Energy Transformation

Technical solutions need social justice lens

On October 14, 2022, GLOBE Series and the Pembina Institute hosted their fourth Dialogue in the series discussing Women in the Energy Transformation.

Brought to life by panelists Jane McDonald, senior vice-president of Climate and Natural Solutions, Regional Chief Kluane Adamek, Assembly of the First Nations Yukon Region, Meredith Adler, executive director of Student Energy, and Melody Lepine, director of government and industry relations of Mikisew Cree First Nations Government, these conversations aim to amplify diverse voices of women in leadership, unpack and honour the work of Indigenous women, and women and gender diverse people in climate initiatives, and carve safe spaces for innovation as Canada undergoes their energy transition.

Equitable Net-Zero coverThroughout this dialogue, panelists reflected on the Pembina Institute’s recently published Equitable Net Zero: Recommendations for Advancing Gender Equity in Alberta’s Energy Transition by discussing a broad range of topics including the importance of analysis through empathy and creativity alongside technical solutions in this energy transition, and understanding that this work will only be sustainable if social justice is at the core of all decision-making at every level. Jane McDonald expressed: “When you’re close to the problem, you are close to the solutions. If women are not represented, how do we expect to arrive at a solution? This is the only way we will build communities and families that are resilient.”

Watch the recording