New regulations will bring down emissions from fuel

Clean Fuel Regulations adds urgency to implementing a sales mandate for zero-emission vehicles

Vehicles on a snowy Canadian street

Cars and trucks on a busy road

Toronto, ON — Carolyn Kim, Senior Director, Communities and Decarbonization at the Pembina Institute, made the following statement in response to approval of the Clean Fuel Regulations.

“The Pembina Institute welcomes the publication of the Clean Fuel Regulations (CFR), which will create a vital market for low-carbon fuels. This is a regulation that has been in the planning stages since 2016 and will finally begin to drive innovation in clean fuels when it comes into effect in 2023. We are happy to see the elimination of credits for exported fuels, because doing so places clear focus on reducing Canada’s transportation emissions.

“Canada’s transportation-related greenhouse gas emissions now represent one-quarter of the nation’s total emissions, generating 186 Mt CO2e in 2019. While the CFR, coupled with other policies, including a price on carbon, will help lower transportation emissions, more needs to be done to drive down high-carbon fuels in transportation. Which is why we strongly recommend that the federal government swiftly implement a vital complementary measure to the CFR: a zero-emission vehicle sales mandate for all on-road vehicles. The CFR will help create a market for low-carbon fuels, including electricity. A sales mandate, in turn, will ensure that manufacturers make available zero-emission vehicles for Canadian customers.

“The Clean Fuel Regulations, when combined with a ZEV mandate, provide a clear market signal to private capital, utilities and business to invest in climate-friendly transportation technologies, clean fuel facilities, production and distribution. The Pembina Institute looks forward to working with the government to deliver on its commitment to reduce transportation emissions by up to 18 Mt CO2e per year by 2030.”



Kendall Anderson
Senior Communications Lead, Pembina Institute


Report: Recommendations to strengthen the Clean Fuel Regulations
Report: Canada's forthcoming Clean Fuel Regulations
Op-ed: New federal Clean Fuel Standard headed in the wrong direction
Report: Canada’s Clean Fuel Standard: Setting the record straight

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