A message from the Executive Director and the Board Chair

Linda Coady and Tom Marr-Lang

Linda Coady and Tom Marr-Lang

Message from Linda Coady, Executive Director

To the many friends and supporters of the Pembina Institute,

I want you to know I will be stepping down as the Executive Director of the Pembina Institute on July 15, 2022.

Some of you may recall that my arrival at the Pembina Institute two and half years ago coincided with the onset of the COVID pandemic. While it was always the plan that I would be in the Executive Director role for a transition period of two to three years, little did I realize what an exciting time that would prove to be!

Notwithstanding a global pandemic, the past few years have seen an unprecedented series of new developments on climate policy in Canada. Throughout, it has been an honour for me to lead a talented team of professionals at the Pembina Institute who made significant contributions to:

  • Canada’s first real plan to reduce enough greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 to be on track to create a net-zero emissions economy by 2050;
  • A methane reduction target that could make Canada a global leader in the elimination of methane emissions by 2030;
  • Strengthening carbon pricing, adopting a rigorous clean fuel standard, capping oil and gas emissions, really and truly getting off coal, building a net-zero grid, and finding new ways to attract investment in the technologies that can accelerate zero-emissions transportation and retrofitting buildings to be low carbon and energy efficient.

​I am extremely grateful for the support of the Pembina Institute staff and Board as well as our many volunteers and partners from across Canada. I know I am leaving the organization in the hands of a strong and collaborative team with a firm grasp on the policies that can accelerate decarbonization and diversification of Canada’s energy economy by 2030.

Being part of a 40-year-old environmental organization that has deep roots in local communities in Alberta and which, today, is uniquely capable of bringing that legacy to the national conversation on climate and energy has been one of the highlights of my career. I remain committed to Pembina’s success and intend to stay involved on a volunteer basis to support fundraising and other efforts.

Linda Coady
Executive Director, Pembina Institute
June 17, 2022

Message from Tom Marr-Laing, Board Chair

On behalf of the Board of Directors and the staff at the Pembina Institute, I extend our heartfelt thanks to Linda Coady for her hard work and many contributions to life at Pembina during her time as Executive Director of our organization. We also appreciate Linda’s willingness to continue to support some of the new fundraising initiatives and her ongoing commitment.

When the Pembina Institute's Board hired her in early 2020, we did so with the knowledge that she would be in the Executive Director role for a transition period of two to three years. The added challenge of guiding the organization through the uncertainties created by the pandemic was, of course, something that none of us could have anticipated at that time.

Linda met those challenges and led several important changes that have strengthened our organization and will enable Pembina to continue to be at the forefront of the national conversation on climate and energy. In addition to the leadership and expertise required to make progress on key policy issues, the Institute has a portfolio of unique partnerships that will enable us to continue to support:

  • Indigenous leadership on how Canada’s northern and remote communities can move past diesel;
  • Power Purchase Agreements for renewable energy that have so far supported $4B worth of new wind and solar energy investment, and created 4,000 jobs in the process;
  • Strategies by government, businesses and communities that can ensure the transition to a net-zero energy economy is equitable, and that women and other groups traditionally under-represented in the energy sector are able to benefit from the coming transition.

A selection process for a new Executive Director is already underway. In the meantime, we are fortunate that we have a very capable and experienced Deputy Executive Director, Simon Dyer, who will ensure that Pembina continues to deliver on our strategic plan and support our partners and colleagues. The selection process for a new Executive Director is open to qualified internal and external candidates. If you would like more information, and/or know of someone who might be a suitable candidate for this role, please contact Pam Joliffe, at P. Jolliffe and Associates, jolliffepj@outlook.com for more information.

Thank you for your interest in and support of the Pembina Institute.

Tom Marr-Laing
Board Chair, Pembina Institute
June 17, 2022