The gap in Canada’s climate plan: Driving down emissions from the oil and gas sector

The International Energy Agency commends ambitious climate targets, but success hinges on implementing a cap on emissions from oil and gas

January 13, 2022
Media Release
Oilsands refinery in Fort McMurray

Oilsands refinery in Fort McMurray. Photo: Pembina Institute

OTTAWA — Chris Severson-Baker, Director, Alberta, at the Pembina Institute, made the following statement in response to the IEA Energy Policy Review of Canada:

"The International Energy Agency (IEA) has published an in-depth analysis of Canada’s energy policies, noting the series of ambitious domestic and international commitments made by the federal government in 2021, including at the most recent UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow. Canada has pledged to lower greenhouse gas emissions by 40 to 45 per cent in 2030 and achieve net-zero emissions in 2050.

"Driving down emissions generated by the oil and gas sector is key to meeting those targets, and the IEA’s report highlights that, while Canada has implemented a host of strong climate policies, there has been a failure to date to reduce oil and gas emissions. The oil and gas sector accounted for 26 per cent of Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions in 2019. Emissions from the oilsands rose by 137 per cent between 2005 and 2019.

"The IEA report puts a spotlight on the problem of emission growth from Canada’s oil and gas sector and  highlights the need for the government to follow through on a series of increasingly stringent caps on emissions from oil and gas sources. We will not meet our climate goals without robust net-zero strategies for each economic sector, mechanisms to ensure accountability, and collaboration across all levels of government."

— Chris Severson-Baker, Director, Alberta, Pembina Institute



Victoria Foote
Senior Manager, Strategic Communications, Pembina Institute


Report: All Hands on Deck: An assessment of provincial, territorial and federal readiness to deliver a safe climate
Submission: Recommendations on principles to guide the implementation of an oil and gas cap

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