

Future of Hydrogen webinar banner

Market and Technology Readiness of Hydrogen

Part of the Future of Hydrogen Webinar Series

The webinar is now finished. Scroll down to see the recording and view the presentation.

The Pembina Institute is excited to host a webinar that will examine the market readiness of hydrogen. Our speakers will explore international trends, the market opportunities, enabling policies, technology readiness, and the role low carbon hydrogen may play in achieving decarbonization goals in Canada and globally.

As interest continues to grow around hydrogen, understanding of both global and North American trends will be vital to inform Canada’s approach to hydrogen.


  • Dr. Simon Bennett, Energy Technology Analyst, International Energy Agency 
  • Dr. Jeff Goldmeer, Emerging Technologies Director, General Electric Gas Power   
  • Traci Kraus,Director, Government Relations, Cummins Inc.

Recording and presentation

Download the presentation

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