


graphic for Canadian Renewable Energy Association forum

Canadian Renewable Energy Forum

Presented by the Canadian Renewable Energy Association

The Pembina Institute will participate in a session at the Canadian Renewable Energy Forum.

Making Net Zero Attainable for Canadian Homeowners

Tuesday, November 10, 2020 10:15 AM to 11:00 AM

Innovations and opportunities for our sector to help move Canadian homes from carbon-intensive to net-zero status

Canada’s residential sector is among the most energy-intensive in the world, and there is no denying that our northern climate presents a unique challenge for decarbonization of this sector. But “Beyond Net Zero” homes – which generate more energy than they consume – are an increasingly attainable reality for Canadian homeowners. Bringing together industry experts and practitioners with decades of hands-on experience, this session will highlight the exciting innovations taking place in the residential built environment, including the design and construction trends currently on the horizon, and how our industry can help to make Beyond Net Zero mainstream.

Moderator: Nicholas Gall, Director, Distributed Energy Resources, Canadian Renewable Energy Association


  • Betsy Agar, Senior Analyst, Pembina Institute
  • Bill Eggertson, Consultant, Net Zero Plus Coalition
  • Ben Giudici, Director, Riverside Energy System

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