Report documents political will on key climate actions

Pembina Institute highlights potential for collaboration in Winning on Climate: Action plan for a decarbonized Canadian economy

Photo: Roberta Franchuk, Pembina Institute

OTTAWA — Key actions to successfully decarbonize Canada’s economy, and the political will across all parties on each, are documented in the Pembina Institute’s newest report, Winning on Climate: Action plan for a decarbonized Canadian economy.

Issue areas include: carbon pricing, targets and accountability, just transition, transportation, buildings, electricity, renewables in remote communities, oil and gas, and decision making around energy infrastructure projects. 

To ensure Canada meets its Paris Agreement commitment, and moves forward on a path to build a 21st-century decarbonized economy , the report calls for an increase to Canada’s 2030 target, paired with legislated accountability measures, as well as: 

  • adoption of renewable and smart grid technologies (that let consumers actively manage demand and contribute electricity to the grid), and electrification of our buildings, transportation and industry

  • non-emitting transportation systems and land-use decisions that reduce dependence on cars

  • support for the deep energy retrofit market to deliver energy efficient, more comfortable homes and drive job creation in this sector

  • a just transition plan that gives fossil fuel workers the tools they need to succeed in a decarbonized economy

  • a lower-carbon oil and gas supply, and a clearly defined role for gas in a decarbonized global economy

  • ensuring Canada’s energy and infrastructure decisions are compatible with our climate objectives and are financially viable in a decarbonized world

  • principles of reconciliation (including a commitment to adhere to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples) guiding the clean energy transition in remote communities.

While political parties have different ideas on how to implement climate action, there is general agreement on most of the high-level goals needed to limit Canada’s contribution to catastrophic climate change. It’s time for Pan-Canadian Framework 2.0.


“As the pace of climate change accelerates, we simply can’t afford to accept the tacit denialism embedded in delaying or weakening climate action. Canadians know this. They voted for action on climate change. And on the key areas where we need climate action, Canada’s federal parties are more aligned than Canadians may realize. That’s encouraging considering how big and complex this problem is, and the degree of co-operation we need to solve it. 

“We have to pull every lever we have available to us. It’s time to build on the national climate plan, and this report shows us where — based on their promises — we should expect parties to collaborate. The environment, and our economy, depend on it.”
Isabelle Turcotte, federal policy director, Pembina Institute

Quick facts

  • According to the OECD, long term growth statistics place Canada at the top of the G7 over the last decade.

  • Canada is among the top 10 biggest emitters in the world. 

  • Per capita, Canadians are the highest emitters among all G20 countries, producing on average 22 tonnes per person per year, while the G20 average is eight tonnes per person per year.

  • Canada’s current climate target is to lower greenhouse gas emissions by 30 per cent below 2005 levels by 2030.

  • Canada’s highest emitting sector is oil and gas, responsible for 27 per cent of Canada’s emissions. Transportation is close behind at 24 per cent, with buildings at 12 per cent. Electricity, agriculture, and heavy industry follow at 10 per cent each.

Visit to download a copy of Winning on Climate: Action plan for a decarbonized Canadian economy.


Kelly O’Connor
Associate Communications Director


Report: Carbon Emissions: Who makes big polluters pay

Blog series: This election, let’s plan for a climate future we can all get behind

About the Pembina Institute

The Pembina Institute is a non-profit think-tank that works to advance a prosperous clean energy future for Canada through credible policy solutions that support communities, the economy, and a safe climate. We have offices in Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Ottawa, and Toronto. Learn more:

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