Bold climate action is an investment in B.C.’s economic prosperity

Open letter to Premier John Horgan

Forty companies, all members of the Business Coalition for a Clean Economy, have sent the following letter to Premier John Horgan:

June 20, 2019

Hon. John Horgan, M.L.A.
Premier and President of the Executive Council
West Annex Parliament Buildings 
Victoria, BC  V8V 1X4

Dear Premier Horgan:

Re: Bold climate action is an investment in B.C.’s economic prosperity

We are leading businesses and organizations that are proud to operate in British Columbia and employ British Columbians. We believe building a sustainable, clean economy, powered by renewable energy, is key to ensuring B.C.’s future prosperity in a rapidly changing world.

For all businesses, climate change is a risk to the bottom line. However, it’s also a once-in-a-generation opportunity for B.C. to create jobs, encourage innovation, build healthy and safe communities, and reduce waste.

Strong climate policy provides certainty and is good for business. That’s why the Business Coalition for a Clean Economy supports the full implementation of the government’s CleanBC plan and calls for continued leadership on climate solutions in B.C.

Building on our core strengths and successes to date, we know B.C. can be a leader in the transition to a low-carbon world. We believe the B.C. government should take the following measures to build out the clean economy:

1. Grow clean jobs and attract global investment

  • Put policies and incentives in place that spark clean innovation and fuel demand for low-carbon goods and services

2. Make clean choices more affordable and accessible

  • Support small and medium-size businesses in their efforts to reduce carbon pollution, prepare for the low-carbon future, and invest in clean solutions

3. Build resilient communities

  • Take concrete steps to protect communities from the impacts of climate change on public health and safety, infrastructure, property, and the economy

Climate change is both a challenge and an opportunity for B.C. Now more than ever, we need the B.C. government to demonstrate bold, sustained leadership by prioritizing investments in the clean future.



Avalon Mechanical Consultants Ltd.

Bulkley Valley Brewery

Bullfrog Power

Carbon Engineering Ltd.

CarbonCure Technologies

Climate Smart Businesses

Cove Continuity Advisors

Denman Island Chocolate

Earnest Ice Cream


Festival Cinemas Ltd.

Hamazaki Wong Marketing Group


Innergex Renewable Energy

Innotech Windows + Doors

Insurance Bureau of Canada

Interdependent Investments

Lush Fresh Handmade Cosmetics


Modo Co-operative

Nature’s Path Foods

Pembina Institute

Penfolds Roofing & Solar

Persephone Brewing Co.

Phillips Brewing Co.

Portable Electric

Prism Engineering

Reid’s Automotive Recycling Ltd.

Renew Energy Inc.

Renewal Funds

Rhiza Capital

Salt Spring Coffee

Sea to Sky Removal



Townsite Brewing Inc.

Traction on Demand


Vancouver Film Studios

Yulu PR

Hon. George Heyman, Minister of Environment and Climate Change Strategy
Hon. Michelle Mungall, Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources
Hon. Bruce Ralston, Minister of Jobs, Trade, and Technology
Andrew Wilkinson, Leader of the Official Opposition
Andrew Weaver, Leader of the Third Party
Peter Milobar, Official Opposition Critic for Environment and Climate Change