B.C. cabinet must act quickly to spark clean growth

Re: “Horgan takes charge as B.C. premier,” July 19

July 20, 2017
Published in Times Colonist (July 20, 2017)

Premier John Horgan and his executive council were sworn in on July 18, 2017. Photo: Province of B.C.

With B.C.’s government now under the direction of Premier John Horgan and the NDP, all eyes are on them to build a strong, future-proof and inclusive B.C. We look forward to working with the new cabinet to ensure a prosperous economy, thriving communities and healthy families across B.C.

British Columbians are looking to the NDP and Greens to deliver on the policies in their confidence and supply agreement, including nine priorities linked to clean growth. With all three major parties committed to strengthening B.C.’s carbon tax, the time is ripe for the province once again to be a climate leader.

The new government must act quickly to build a strong clean-tech sector, position B.C. to be competitive in the changing global economy, make clean choices more affordable, stand up for healthy and safe communities and grow sustainable resource jobs. B.C. needs a new climate-action strategy to meet its targets for reducing carbon pollution.

Investing in green jobs, public transit and highly energy-efficient homes and buildings will fuel the clean-growth economy and benefit all British Columbians.

Karen Tam Wu
Acting B.C. director, Pembina Institute

This letter to the editor appeared on page A11 of the (Victoria) Times Colonist on July 20, 2017.