City plan good for environment and pocketbook

Re: "City fights back against B.C. Liberals natural gas ban claim," online May 1

Vancouver's new rezoning bylaw is great news for a city where housing affordability is top of mind for residents.

Utility bills in new buildings will be slightly lower. The construction cost for new apartments will be comparable to buildings being built today. They'll also emit 50 per cent less carbon pollution.

Heating and cooking with natural gas is still an available option as long as it's used efficiently. With strong support from developers and homeowners, the city is taking a positive step towards eliminating carbon emissions from all new homes and buildings by 2030.

Vancouver's Zero Emissions Building Plan sets a clear direction for B.C.'s green building industry, which already employs more than 23,000 people. The new policy will save us money and expand the number of green jobs.

Karen Tam Wu,
B.C. associate director, Pembina Institute

Green Buildings Policy for Rezonings

This letter to the editor originally appeared in the Vancouver Courier on May 4, 2017.