Budget 2017 lays foundation for Canada’s clean growth economy

Pembina Institute reacts to the Government of Canada’s 2017 budget

Finance Minister Bill Morneau. Photo: Finance Canada

OTTAWA — Erin Flanagan, federal policy director at the Pembina Institute, made the following statement in response to the Government of Canada tabling of Budget 2017:

“Budget 2017 enables Canada’s long-term climate success by making sure our future economic competitiveness is intimately tied to clean growth. Strategic investments in green infrastructure and clean technologies – like smart grids, energy storage and renewable energy – will help the country’s environment and economy as we compete for the rapidly growing global demand for clean energy.

“Successful implementation of Canada’s national climate plan requires two things: strong policies to limit emissions, and strategic investments to unlock clean growth opportunities. Today’s budget makes a substantial contribution towards both ends.

“We are pleased to see the federal government has allocated more than $340 million for policy development to implement key climate mitigation priorities, including an accelerated coal-phase out and a clean fuel standard for buildings, transportation and industry. We are also pleased that money has been allocated to demonstration projects, including the construction of net-zero energy buildings across Canada, and to see that the budget commits over $600 million to reduce diesel fuel reliance and improve energy security in Indigenous communities across Canada, including in the Arctic.

“Canada’s new national climate plan lays the groundwork for all economic sectors to reduce emissions and make progress towards building Canada’s clean economy. Today’s budget reinforces those signals by allocating resources to develop much-needed new policies and to unlock low-carbon investments. Continued progress on reducing emissions is a core requirement of the Paris Agreement, and we expect Canada will demonstrate its seriousness about those long-term goals by continuing to chart the course for deeper emissions reductions with time.”



Erin Flanagan
Program director, Federal policy

Kelly O’Connor
Communications lead


Reacts: Canada’s first ministers unveil landmark national climate plan to achieve 2030 target (December 2016)

Blog: First ministers delivered the goods, but their work has only just begun (December 2016)

Report: Race to the front (September 2016)

Blog: Budget 2016 lays down tracks for first ministers’ climate success (March 2016)

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