

Toronto, Ontario

Pipelines, Paris and Decarbonization: The Future of Canadian Energy and Climate Policy

Hosted by the Munk School of Affairs, University of Toronto

Erin Flanagan, Program Director, Federal Policy at the Pembina Institute, will be a speaker at Pipelines, Paris and Decarbonization: The Future of Canadian Energy and Climate Policy. 

The Environmental Governance Lab at the Munk School of Global Affairs in partnership with the Law School at the University of Toronto are convening a discussion exploring the implications and implementation of recent national and provincial climate and energy policies and discussing the future of Canadian energy and climate policy in an uncertain global context. Our goal is to further the national and provincial conversations by bringing together multiple stakeholders and sectors. The panel include speakers with deep knowledge of the national and global policy history and context, carbon pricing, First Nations experiences and concerns, and fossil fuel industry dynamics. The event will include a moderated discussion amongst panelists as well as a question and answer session with the audience. Find more information

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