


Carbon emissions from the Pacific NorthWest LNG project would be comparable to Canada’s two largest emitters — the Syncrude mine and upgrader and Sundance coal fired power plant.

Can Pacific NorthWest LNG pass Canada's climate test?

Media briefing

When: Monday, May 2, 2016
12:30 p.m. (EDT) / 9:30 a.m. (PDT)

Backgrounder: Can Pacific NorthWest LNG pass Canada's climate test?

Video: Webinar recording

Slides: Presentation

This media briefing will offer journalists a primer on the climate implications of the Pacific NorthWest LNG project near Prince Rupert, B.C. The Petronas-backed project and its associated upstream operations could become the largest source of carbon pollution in Canada.

During the webinar, Matt Horne, B.C. associate director for the Pembina Institute and a member of the province's Climate Leadership Team, will discuss PNW LNG in the context of Canada's and B.C.'s climate plans. Horne will also outline opportunities to reduce the project's emissions.

A Q&A session for journalists will follow the presentation.

(If you have any registration issues, please contact Pembina Institute communications lead Stephen Hui.)

We are grateful to the Vancouver Foundation, Dragonfly Fund at Tides Canada, Real Estate Foundation of British Columbia and McLean Foundation for their support of our work.

Further reading

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