
Private Workshop


Alberta Community Energy Workshop

Private Workshop
Feb. 15, 2016 11:00pm

The Alberta Community Energy Workshop brought together valuable stakeholders who are developing renewable energy resources with community ownership and/or involvement by residents, local businesses, their municipality or public institutions. Primary objectives for the event were:

  1. Capacity-building to foster success stories of community renewable energy in Alberta, taking learnings from Canadian jurisdictions with best practice experience;
  2. Taking stock of Albertan efforts for community renewable enegy and the barriers faced under status quo policy; and
  3. Creating a common understanding of the policy solutions to existing barriers and taking initial steps toward building policy consensus among community renewable energy stakeholders.


Welcome & Lunch

Alberta context

Status-quo efforts

Policy and Program solutions

Business Model Canvas - Community Energy

Community Power – A Growing Force for Clean Energy in CanadaJudith Lipp (TREC, People Power Planet Partnership)



acew hosts




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