Statement from Canadian Environmental Leaders Regarding the Regulation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA)

Toronto, Ontario — On March 24, an omnibus budget implementation bill was introduced by the government in the House of Commons. The bill includes amendments to the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA). The government claims these amendments are necessary to allow for the regulation of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from industrial sources ("Large Final Emitters") in order to meet Canada's Kyoto obligations.

We do not believe that these proposed amendments are necessary to regulate GHG emissions under CEPA. We believe that, given the overwhelming body of scientific evidence regarding the impacts of GHGs on the environment upon which human life and health depends, GHGs meet the definition of "toxicity" provided in section 64 of the existing Canadian Environmental Protection Act. As such, the federal government already has the necessary authority to establish a regulatory framework to control and reduce emissions of toxic greenhouse gases from industrial sources.

We are concerned that the amendments introduced on March 24 to Canada's most important environmental protection statute have been proposed in the absence of meaningful public or parliamentary consultation and that the proposed amendments will undermine the upcoming five year parliamentary review of CEPA, mandated within the Act itself.

It is our hope and expectation that all parties in this minority Parliament will work together to ensure that Canada meets its Kyoto obligations. In our view, the proposed amendments to CEPA are creating an unnecessary and divisive debate regarding the legislative mechanism for the regulation of GHG emissions from industrial sources. Attention should be focused instead on the adequacy of the emission reduction targets themselves, and ensuring the establishment of an effective regulatory system for industrial sources of these pollutants.

Canadian Environmental Law Association
David Suzuki Foundation
Environmental Defence
Great Lakes United
Pembina Institute
Pollution Probe
Sierra Legal Defence Fund

For more information, or to arrange an interview, please contact:

Dr. Matthew Bramley, the Pembina Institute, (819) 483-6288 x 26
Dr. Rick Smith, Environmental Defence, (416) 323-9521 ext. 225; (416) 670-9521 (cell)
Jennifer Foulds, Environmental Defence, (416) 323-9521 ext. 232; (647) 280-9521 (cell)
Paul Muldoon, Canadian Environmental Law Association, (416) 371-3219
Mark Winfield, the Pembina Institute, (416) 978-5656 e-mail:
Morag Carter, David Suzuki Foundation, (604) 736-6293
Derek Stack, Great Lakes United, (613) 797-9532
Bruce Cox, Greenpeace, (416) 419-7341
Ken Ogilvie, Pollution Probe, (416) 926-1907 ext. 231
Rob Wright, Sierra Legal Defence Fund, (416) 487-7448

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