Pembina Reacts: Government Funding for TransAlta's Pioneer CCS Project

October 14, 2009
Media Release

Amy Taylor, Director of Alberta Energy
Solutions at the Pembina Institute, made the following statement in response to
the announcement that the Governments of Alberta and Canada will provide a
$779 million subsidy to TransAlta's Pioneer Carbon Capture and Storage project:

"Given the urgency of tackling climate
change, Canada should not build new coal plants without carbon capture and
storage (CCS) technology to sequester all or most of its emissions. Today's
announcement means that the only new coal-fired power plant under construction
in North America will use CCS to partially capture its emissions — and that's
an important step in cleaning up the dirtiest source of electricity.

"CCS technology has the potential to
reduce emissions from existing sources of pollution. While it is a step in the
right direction, it is worth noting that today's announcement will only reduce
the emissions from this project by less than one third.

"To truly cut Alberta's emissions,
companies must retrofit existing coal-fired electricity plants, which comprise
over 70% of Alberta's electricity supply, or replace them with clean energy

"Today's announcement of a significant subsidy
for CCS comes at a time when the federal government has not announced even the
outline of a national cap-and-trade system. Canada urgently needs regulations
that put a price on pollution high enough to compel polluters to invest their
own money in the deployment of technologies like CCS.

"In parallel to their support for CCS,
governments need to support a massive scale-up in renewable energy and energy
efficiency, the most sustainable solutions to provide electricity and address
climate change. The Pembina Institute's recent "Greening the Grid" analysis
found that Alberta could meet its electricity demand over the next 20 years
without building any new coal plants if it aggressively targets renewable
energy and efficiency.

"Unfortunately, the federal government
has ceased support for renewable energy development in Canada, failing to renew the
ecoENERGY for Renewable Power program in the last budget, while the Government
of Alberta has never offered targeted incentives for the production of
renewable electricity. In sharp contrast, President Obama's recovery and
reinvestment package included $27 billion of support for renewable
energy, almost 14 times more per person than Canada's economic stimulus package."


The Pembina Institute is a non-partisan
sustainable energy think tank. The Pembina Institute's perspective on carbon
capture and storage is available at

more information, contact:

Amy Taylor, Director of
Alberta Energy Solutions
The Pembina Institute
Cell: 403-996-0510

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