Pembina Reacts: Eliminating Alberta's Natural Gas Rebate Program

Marlo Raynolds, Executive Director of the Pembina Institute, made the following statement in response to the Government of Alberta's February 19, 2009 announcement that it would eliminate the natural gas rebate program.

“The Alberta Government's decision to eliminate the natural gas subsidy is a positive step as it was a flawed program.

Eliminating this program will promote energy conservation and efficiency, but it also leaves fixed and lower income Albertans exposed to high energy prices.

In the future, instead of subsidizing pollution the Alberta Government can assist these Albertans by ensuring they have better insulated homes and high-efficiency furnaces that help keep more money in their pockets and help the environment, a real win-win.

An energy efficiency program would also support Alberta’s economy by keeping our tradespeople working and creating new green jobs.” 

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