Pembina reacts to additional review of proposed Keystone XL pipeline

November 10, 2011
Media Release

CALGARY — Dan Woynillowicz, spokesperson for the Pembina Institute, made the following
statement in response to the U.S. Department of State's announcement regarding
additional review of the Keystone XL pipeline:

"By ordering additional environmental
review of the proposed Keystone XL pipeline, President Obama has made it clear
that he has heard the concerns of Americans about environmental protection,
climate change, and the need for the United States to create a clean energy
future. The fact that climate change will be explicitly considered in the final
decision is notable given the higher greenhouse gas pollution associated with
oilsands compared to other sources of oil.

"President Obama's decision demonstrates
that the regulatory process will be based on the best available information and
analysis, and will take into account the views and concerns of American
citizens. Then, and only then, will the President be equipped to determine
whether the pipeline is in the best interests of the United States.

"This decision stands in stark contrast
with the Canadian government's approach to the proposed Enbridge Gateway
pipeline that would transport oilsands product to the West Coast. Rather than maintaining an objective perspective on
this pipeline, Prime Minister Harper and his cabinet have been actively promoting its approval before public
hearings on the environmental impacts of the project have even begun.

"The Canadian government should take a
lesson from the U.S. and ensure a broader and more rigorous review of Gateway
is completed, including the upstream environmental and greenhouse gas impacts
of expanding oilsands development to fill the pipeline."



Dan Woynillowicz

Cell: 250-551-2072

Julia Kilpatrick
Media Manager

Cell: 613-265-5579



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