Pembina Institute to give testimony at U.S. government hearing on oilsands

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Simon Dyer, policy director at the Pembina Institute, will be available for interviews Tuesday, March 20, following his testimony at a U.S. Energy and Power subcommittee hearing on the future of energy technology with an emphasis on Canadian oilsands. 

The Pembina Institute has been invited to provide testimony related to the impacts of oilsands energy development on greenhouse gas emissions and the environment, and policies the governments of Canada and Alberta could use to drive environmental performance improvements in the oilsands sector.

  • Who: Simon Dyer, Policy director, The Pembina Institute
  • Where: 2123 Rayburn House Office Building, 45 Independence Ave. SW, Washington D.C.
  • When: Tuesday, March 20. Hearing begins at 10 a.m. ET; available for media interviews from noon to 4 p.m. ET



Simon Dyer
Policy director
+1 (403) 322-3937

Julia Kilpatrick
Communications manager
+1 (613) 265-5579


Hearing details: The American Energy Initiative: A Focus on the Future of Energy Technology with an Emphasis on Canadian Oil Sands

Report: Responsible Action? An assessment of Alberta’s greenhouse gas policies

Briefing note: Oilsands and climate change: How Canada's oilsands are standing in the way of effective climate action

Report: Solving the Puzzle: Environmental responsibility in oilsands development

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