Government Amendments to Bill 46 Insufficient

Premier Stelmach Must Have All-Party Committee Hear From Albertans

Local landowner groups - including the Lavesta Area Group, Pembina Agricultural Protection Association and Livingstone Landowner Group - and the Pembina Institute are repeating their call for Premier Stelmach to send Bill 46 to an all-party committee to have public hearings and improve the bill before passing it in the legislature.

Bill 46 is the Alberta government's proposed legislation to shift the regulation of electrical transmission lines and other utilities from the Energy and Utilities Board (EUB) to a new Alberta Utilities Commission. The bill addresses whether and how Albertans can be involved in energy and utility decision-making. The government's proposed amendments to Bill 46 fail to address concerns regarding Albertans' ability to effectively participate in the energy decision-making process. The amendments to Bill 46 dealing with public participation effectively revert to the EUB's outdated and insufficient public hearing process, which has recently been the subject of increased scrutiny in light of the EUB spying scandal.

"The government's amendments fail to address Bill 46's fundamental flaws," says Joe Anglin of the Lavesta Area Group. "The government needs to be improving how Albertans can have a say in development, not perpetuating the failings of the EUB."

Steve Kennett, Senior Policy Analyst with the Pembina Institute, says, "Reverting to the EUB's status quo approach to hearing from concerned Albertans about energy projects is illogical. The EUB and its approach to public hearings have lost legitimacy with Albertans. An all-party committee is the best venue for fixing Bill 46."

The Alberta government uses all-party legislative committees to facilitate a more in-depth look at issues and allows for public input into the legislative process through written submissions and/or public hearings.

"We're disappointed that the government is more focused on getting Bill 46 passed than on ensuring it will serve the citizens of Alberta's long-term needs," says Jolene Shannon, Consultations Manager with the Pembina Agricultural Protection Association. "By sending this bill to an all-party committee the government will instigate a transparent and accountable public process while ensuring the final piece of legislation clearly defines the mandate, resources and political support to truly protect the public interest. If the government refuses to hear from us they prove they are already discounting the legitimate and informed concerns of Albertans."

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For more background click here.

The Pembina Institute's letter to Premier Stelmach regarding Bill 46 is available here.

For information contact:
Steve Kennett, Senior Policy Analyst, Pembina Institute
Phone: 403-269-3344 ext. 115

Joe Anglin, Lavesta Area Group
Phone: 403-843-3279

Jolene Shannon, Pembina Agricultural Protection Association
Phone: 780-514-2855

John Lawson, Livingstone Landowner Group
Phone: 403-628-2271

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