Carbon tax could help fund a better future, say 1,500 British Columbians

VANCOUVER – When interim finance minister Shirley Bond moves into her office next week, she will find her desk piled with more than 1,500 letters from British Columbians encouraging her to recommit to climate leadership.

The letters, sent through the Better Future Fund website (, urge the provincial government to expand British Columbia’s successful carbon tax to include currently exempted emissions and to use the revenue generated to fight climate change and fund community solutions that will help create a better future.

“Too often, we only hear from those who would like to see British Columbia take a big step back from our climate change commitments,” said Merran Smith, director of Clean Energy Canada at Tides Canada. “This resounding show of support suggests that citizens believe we must continue to do our part to fight global warming—and that an effective and fair carbon tax is a powerful tool to help us do so.”

The Better Future Fund is an innovative new online initiative launched by the David Suzuki Foundation, Clean Energy Canada at Tides Canada, the Pembina Institute, and the B.C. Sustainable Energy Association. It invites B.C. residents to share their ideas on how the proceeds from an expanded carbon tax could help their communities fight global warming.

“Citizens clearly agree that an expanded carbon tax should fund solutions that reduce harmful greenhouse-gas emissions,” said Matt Horne, director of the Pembina Institute’s climate change program. “What’s especially encouraging is that we’ve seen support come in from all parts of the province—from Vancouver to the Peace to the Kootenays.”

The provincial government’s carbon tax review is accepting submissions from citizens until the end of business day tomorrow, August 31, 2012.


Read the Pembina Institute's submission to B.C.'s carbon tax review. 


Ian Hanington,David Suzuki Foundation: 604-732-4228, X1238

Matt Horne, Pembina Institute: cell 778-235-1476

Guy Dauncey, B.C. Sustainable Energy Association: 250-881-1304

Merran Smith, Clean Energy Canada at Tides Canada: 604-947-2200


For more information about B.C.'s carbon tax, see: British Columbia's Carbon Tax: Exploring perspectives and seeking common ground.

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