Crowdsourcing our approach to engagement with social media

Take our social media survey for a chance to win a copy of Chris Turner’s, The Leap!

Every day the people at the Pembina Institute wake up to a big mission: to lead Canada’s transition to a clean energy future. Through research, consulting, education and advocacy, we aim to deliver sustainable energy solutions into the hands of decision makers, thought leaders, the news media and industry champions.

These are big goals for a small team of 51 spread across Canada — we can’t do it alone. Our success ultimately depends on our ability to engage, encourage and enlist people like you.

That’s why I'd like to invite you to take our social media survey. It’s an opportunity for us to get to know you better, and to hear your thoughts on how we’ve been using social media, what you’d like us to keep doing and what you’d like us to do differently.

We’ll continue to use our blog, Facebook and Twitter networks to provide opinions and perspectives on the news of the day, offering expert analysis of environment, energy, policy and industry issues as they happen. But we also have an even greater opportunity: to encourage meaningful discussion, innovation and leadership within a community committed to clean energy.

Cover of Chris Turner's book, "The Leap"We have new ideas — like video and podcasting — and we’d like to hear what you think. What social networks do you belong to? When do you expect to hear from us and how? What’s the best way for us to keep you informed and engaged? How can we better support a community of clean energy champions? These questions, and others, are included in the survey.

We’ve kept the survey short and to thank you for taking the time, we’re holding a draw for a signed hardcover copy of Chris Turner’s acclaimed book, The Leap: How to Survive and Thrive in the Sustainable Economy. If you take the survey by November 18, you’ll be entered into the draw — as long as you choose to tell us who you are. You can also provide your responses anonymously. 

There’s only so much we can accomplish with a short survey and we’d like to keep this conversation going. If you have any questions or comments about our approach to social media, write to us, send us a tweet, or leave a comment below, and we’ll consider your input as our social media engagement continues to evolve.

Whether you’re a frequent Facebooker or just getting started on Twitter, and no matter what you do for a living or where you live, we’d like to hear from you. We rely on partners across all sectors to create public awareness and to advocate for change. We see our role as articulating solutions in practical and tangible terms to those who need to know. Our network of relationships, our technical and research expertise, and our understanding of economic and business realities have provided the credibility we need to successfully reach out to a variety Canadian influencers. 

Fostering a community of diverse, interested and well-informed individuals is our best chance at ensuring success, and we’ll know that we’re getting there when we see a shift toward cleaner energy in Canada. We hope you’ll join the effort — starting with sharing your thoughts through this short survey.