Women in the Energy Transition

Banner with Rae-Anne Wadey installing solar panels. Text: Women in the Energy Transition. November 24th: Join us for the second event of our national dialogue series.

The energy transition is a powerful opportunity to address the systemic exclusion of women and gender-diverse people in Canada’s energy sector, which is one of the least gender equitable industries in the country.

Karen Tam Wu and E3 Eco Group at green building tour for Earth Day at King Edward Villa in Vancouver, B.C.  April 13, 2016. Photo: Stephen Hui, Pembina Institute.

It is the largest driver of the national wage gap.

To solve climate change, government tax dollars and private capital need to pour into net-zero sectors. This opens up opportunities for well-paying jobs. That money should do double duty by performing the co-benefit of increasing equity in Canada.

Canada’s pathways to net-zero must put people first, prioritizing systemic change in the economy for the benefit of all.

Women in Alberta’s Energy Transition

Inclusive gender representation in the net-zero transition is but one essential step toward addressing the uneven societal impacts of climate change.

The Pembina Institute is listening to and elevating women's voices to inform a net-zero future that works for everyone in Alberta. Our team is conducting research and convening women to identify and discuss barriers and solutions, all with the goal of enhancing the participation and leadership of women in the net-zero transition.

Putting people, equity and inclusion at the centre of climate action: Pembina Institute Thought Leaders’ Forum

September 2022 Gender Equity Thought Leaders’ Forum: What we heard and key takeaways


Equitable Net-Zero: Recommendations for advancing gender equity in Alberta’s energy transition

Women in Alberta's Energy Transition: A review of barriers to participation and leadership


Women in Energy Transformation

The Pembina Institute and GLOBE Series have partnered to bring you the Women in Energy Transformation Series, a national dialogue that celebrates the women advancing Canada’s transition to a clean economy and identifies opportunities for more women to get involved.

Women in Energy Transformation: Series Summary Paper

Women in Energy Transformation logo: a white "W" with neon blue and red streaks behind it


Women Leading Energy Transformation at COP 27

Women Leading Energy roundtable participantsOn November 14, 2022, the Pembina Institute hosted a roundtable at the Climate Change Conference (COP27) in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt. The roundtable, Women Leading Energy, brought together a diverse group of Canadian speakers and stakeholders with a shared interest in placing equity at the centre of decision-making in today’s and future energy systems.

Read our blog about the roundtable.

Read inspiring stories

Read more profilesExplore the stories of some of Canada’s most inspiring climate leaders on Women in Energy Transformation’s interactive digital platform.

Learn more

Our partners

 Globe series, Young Women in Energy, Women's Centre of Calgary, WAGE Canada

The Pembina Institute wishes to thank Women and Gender Equality Canada and the McConnell Foundation for their generous support.

Stay updated

Sign up for the Pembina Institute’s newsletter below to receive updates on our gender equity events, reports, and resources.

Banner image: Rae-Anne Wadey installing solar panels. Photo: David Dodge, Green Energy Futures