Balancing Integrity and Feasibility of Carbon Dioxide Storage in B.C.

Pembina Institute comments and recommendations

The Pembina Institute submitted comments to B.C.'s Ministry of Energy and Climate Solutions on their technical discussion paper, entitled Carbon Capture and Sequestration Offset Protocol

A summary of our comments and recommendations is as follows:

  • When it comes to the long-term integrity and safety of sequestered carbon dioxide, the Pembina Institute recommends setting a default monitoring length of time post-closure that can be adjusted based on project-specific risk assessments. Most comparable jurisdictions deploying this model have default monitoring periods of 20 to 50 years post-injection.
  • The process for determining adjustments to the monitoring length of time should be transparent, predictable and conducted as early as possible to convey cost certainty to project developers.
  • We recommend the establishment of an industry-funded financial security mechanism to ensure the Crown has sustainable means to manage long-term liabilities.