Research & Analysis

November 8, 2017
Oilsands tailings weigh heavily on all Canadians
Mining firms must be held accountable for toxic waste before it’s too late

November 6, 2017
City of North Vancouver steps up to task of building better
Re: CNV Raises Building Standards in Bid to Raze GHGs, Oct. 13 news story

November 3, 2017
Toronto needs a freight strategy
North America’s fourth most populous city has no plan or strategy for goods movement

November 2, 2017
Time for Ottawa to cry foul over Nova Scotia cap-and-trade proposal
Nova Scotia’s cap-and-trade system could cause the province to lose its foothold on climate leadership

October 28, 2017
Climate action is B.C.’s clean-growth opportunity
Re: “New team to advise on climate action,” Oct. 24

October 26, 2017
Coming to code
Energy regulations for existing buildings are changing. Are you ready?

October 25, 2017
British Columbia has second chance to get climate plan right
We can’t let the clean growth opportunity slip away

October 24, 2017
Protect Alberta’s caribou, or they won’t survive 50 more years
Oilsands at 50 Series – The Real Cost of Development, Part 4

October 19, 2017
Methane management key to energy future
Alberta can shape the future of the energy industry, but will it?

October 16, 2017
Everybody wins with investments in smart zero-carbon innovation
Governments have played key roles in the development of many technologies

October 13, 2017
Fifty years of oilsands equals only 0.1% of land reclaimed
Oilsands at 50 Series – The Real Cost of Development, Part 3

October 10, 2017
Better buildings save money, boost local economy
Re: Passive highrise project planned for West End, Oct. 2