Research & Analysis

April 3, 2018
How Canada can accelerate the transition to clean cars
Electrification of on-road transportation is key to meeting Canada’s climate targets

April 2, 2018
Putting Canada’s climate policy to the test
Canadians demand that policy makers implement credible plans to reduce carbon pollution

March 23, 2018
Five ideas for a competitive, low-carbon freight industry in Canada
Transportation is responsible for nearly a quarter of Canada’s total emissions

March 15, 2018
Designing an Alberta-made caribou survival plan
Six recommendations to the Alberta government to help our woodland caribou recover as another deadline looms

March 8, 2018
Energy roadmap could pave way to low-carbon B.C.
Re: Tegart: Reactions to the NDP budget

March 5, 2018
Alberta's New Energy Economy
Website features stories of clean energy projects

March 5, 2018
Better homes and buildings are a step up for B.C.
Re: Sooke politicians won’t step up to energy code anytime soon (Online, Feb. 28)

March 2, 2018
Perfect timing for renewables
Why the time is right for Alberta to lead in non-utility procurement of renewable energy

March 1, 2018
On climate, B.C. budget takes steps in right direction
Government to develop roadmap for future of energy in B.C.

February 28, 2018
What does the federal budget mean for the new environmental assessment laws?
How well does the new Canadian Energy Regulator meet our expectations and vision?

February 27, 2018
Securing prosperity entails pricing carbon pollution
Re: Turning the truth about carbon taxation on its head (February 20, 2018)

February 27, 2018
Opening our eyes to the new energy reality
Our response to the Energy Diversification Advisory Committee’s report