Research & Analysis

Equitable Transition
September 16, 2020
Areas for investment in Canada's economic recovery
Letter to federal Minister of Finance
July 23, 2020
Media Release
B.C. can rebuild economy for future resilience
Pembina Institute releases action plan for prosperous clean-energy future

Equitable Transition
July 9, 2020
The power of women on pathways to net-zero emissions
How are we going to change the world with half the world’s population under-represented?

July 9, 2020
Tune in to build back better
Even in lockdown, Pembina Institute staff are making the case for a climate-friendly recovery and green job creation
July 2, 2020
How companies can get net-zero right
As the corporate world plans for net-zero emissions by 2050, a few principles should guide our collective thinking
April 24, 2020
Media Release
Getting the clean fuel standard right is critical for economic, environmental success
Pembina Institute reacts to the revised timeline of clean fuel standard draft regulations

April 23, 2020
National emissions numbers underscore need to invest in clean economy
What the newest National Inventory Report tells us about Canada’s growing carbon emissions
February 27, 2020
Media Release
Urban freight is the next frontier for climate action in Canada
New Pembina Institute report addresses increase in online shopping, population growth and congestion

February 27, 2020
The next frontier for climate action
Decarbonizing urban freight in Canada

Oil & Gas
February 24, 2020
Media Release
Teck Frontier decision highlights need for co-ordinated climate policy
Pembina Institute reacts to Teck Resources Limited decision to withdraw oilsands project

Oil & Gas
February 19, 2020
The oilsands in a carbon-constrained Canada
The collision course between overall emissions and national climate commitments

January 9, 2020
Media Release
Cenovus shows companies are willing to accept more stringent climate policies
Pembina Institute reacts to Cenovus Energy Inc. announcement of new climate targets