B.C. must act quickly to secure resilient economy, safe climate

Pembina Institute reacts to 2020 B.C. election results

Premier John Horgan on election night

Premier John Horgan on election night. Photo: B.C. NDP

VANCOUVER / MUSQUEAM, SQUAMISH & TSLEIL-WAUTUTH TERRITORIES — Karen Tam Wu, B.C. director at the Pembina Institute, made the following statement in response to the results of the 2020 B.C. election:

“With Premier John Horgan and the NDP gaining a majority government, all eyes are on them to lead the province from economic recovery to resilience. If we get the recovery right, we can create jobs and economic activity in the short term and set B.C. up for long-term success in the decarbonizing world. The pandemic has made it clear that our health, economy, and environment are intricately linked.

“We’re pleased that the NDP made creating jobs in an inclusive, clean-energy economy a pillar of its platform. We’re also pleased that the party promised to follow through on the CleanBC climate plan, take additional actions, and legislate a new target of net-zero carbon emissions for 2050. We hope the government will act quickly on these priorities. As the dust settles from the election, we’re looking to the government to get us on track to our 2030 goal — an important milestone on the path to net zero — with an enhanced climate plan that is backed with accountability. There is no wiggle room in B.C.’s carbon budget for any new large emission sources, such as liquefied natural gas development, that increase B.C.’s carbon pollution. We’re also looking for the government to reinstate the carbon tax schedule of increases and commit to future increases to strengthen B.C.’s price on carbon pollution. 

“It’s clear that B.C. voters expect strong climate action, with all three of the major parties promising to make B.C. a climate leader during the campaign. Just as we saw the parties cooperate to address the pandemic, British Columbians are depending on the NDP, Liberals, and Greens to work together to tackle the climate emergency. We can take the best of their ideas: the Liberals see solar, wind, and hydro as key to moving off of oil; the NDP has set its sights on achieving net-zero emissions by 2050; the Greens want us to achieve this goal sooner, in 2045. Protecting our families and communities and getting on track to a resilient economy and safe climate are urgent imperatives whose impact will long outlast any election outcome.”



Stephen Hui
Senior Communications Lead, Pembina Institute
Tw: @StephenHui


Action plan: A resilient economy and safe climate: Our vision for B.C.

Media release: B.C. NDP platform promises continued climate action

Candidates debate (recorded): B.C.’s Climate, Economy, and the 2020 Election

About the Pembina Institute

The Pembina Institute is a non-profit think-tank that works to advance a prosperous clean energy future for Canada through credible policy solutions that support communities, the economy, and a safe climate. We have offices in Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Toronto, and Ottawa. Learn more: www.pembina.org

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