Research & Analysis

December 15, 2016
First ministers delivered the goods, but their work has only just begun
Pan-Canadian Framework deserves recognition as Canada’s first truly national climate plan
December 9, 2016
Media Release
Canada’s first ministers unveil landmark national climate plan to achieve 2030 target
Pembina Institute reacts to the release of the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change

December 8, 2016
“Canada is back” — on Friday, let’s hope for one more time with feeling
Is the country a force for good in global climate action?
December 5, 2016
Media Release
Canadians support government action to spur clean energy: poll
If governments did more to fight global warming, the benefits would include cleaner air, improved public health and innovation, respondents say in a national survey.
December 5, 2016
Media Release
B.C. climate plan leaves massive gap to carbon pollution targets
Province needs significant increase in efforts to cut carbon pollution, modelling shows

December 5, 2016
Modelling the Impact of the Climate Leadership Plan & Federal Carbon Price on B.C.’s Emissions
Methods and results of a greenhouse gas forecasting analysis

November 24, 2016
Carbon pricing coming to all regions of Canada with progress in Nova Scotia and Yukon
Only 7% of Canadians live in a province or territory without a plan to price carbon pollution

November 16, 2016
Not yet time to celebrate B.C. climate action
Canadian provinces need to step up despite U.S. election results

October 31, 2016
Premier Brad Wall’s dangerous misdirection on climate change
False solutions pose risk to Canadian economy and global progress
October 18, 2016
Media Release
Pembina reacts to Saskatchewan climate plan
Premier Brad Wall misses opportunity for low-carbon growth in Saskatchewan