B.C. NDP’s John Horgan takes strong stand for clean economic growth

Pembina Institute reacts to announcement on party’s climate action plan

B.C. New Democrat Leader John Horgan has promised to cut carbon pollution and jump-start clean economic growth. Photo: Stephen Hui

VANCOUVER / COAST SALISH TERRITORY — Josha MacNab, B.C. director at the Pembina Institute, made the following statement in response to today’s announcement by B.C. NDP Leader John Horgan on his party’s Clean Growth Climate Action plan:

“With B.C.’s carbon pollution going up and this rise projected to continue, it is very encouraging to see a strong commitment to get B.C. back on track to meeting its emissions reduction goals.

“We are pleased to see the commitment to implementing the recommendations of the premier’s Climate Leadership Team, which plot a course to significantly reduce B.C.’s carbon pollution — in particular, the pledge to adopt the proposed 2030 target and sector-by-sector targets for emissions. These steps forward would ensure the province takes action now to create green jobs and secure a sustainable future for B.C.’s families, communities, and economy, rather than leaving the hard work for a later day.

“Building a B.C. that remains competitive as the world transitions to a clean economy, while defending affordability, is key to ensuring prosperity for all British Columbians over the long term. Articulating a clear plan to meet the federal carbon pricing schedule while standing up for B.C. families demonstrates important leadership on this front.

“We can’t afford to waffle and wait any longer. B.C. must seize the economic opportunity of a clean growth century or risk being left behind.”


Note for media: Josha MacNab, B.C. director at the Pembina Institute, is onsite and available for comment following the B.C. NDP leader’s news conference.

Sign up for Friday’s webinar on B.C.’s carbon pollution and the 2017 election: pembina.org/BCCarbonPollution

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Stephen Hui
Communications Lead, Pembina Institute
Tw: @StephenHui


Report: Modelling the Impact of the Climate Leadership Plan & Federal Carbon Price on B.C.’s Emissions

Blog: 5 things you need to know about B.C.’s new climate plan

Open letter: Letter to Premier Christy Clark from Climate Leadership Team members

Paper: B.C. Climate Leadership Plan submission: Phase 2 consultation

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