Research & Analysis
November 10, 2011
Media Release
Pembina reacts to additional review of proposed Keystone XL pipeline

Oil & Gas
September 22, 2011
Keystone XL in context: oilsands and environmental management
Two decades of ineffective policies have left their mark on the Canadian landscape

September 22, 2011
Thinking outside the pipeline
Why American decision-makers must consider the true costs of Keystone XL

Oil & Gas
September 16, 2011
Oilsands and climate change
How Canada's oilsands are standing in the way of effective climate action

July 14, 2011
Media Release
Le gaz naturel est-il une bonne solution pour contrer le changement climatique au Canada?
Une nouvelle étude révèle de nombreux problèmes quant à l’expansion de la production de gaz naturel
April 28, 2011
New report shows responsible oilsands development is only limited by political will

March 30, 2011
Key to U.S. energy security is decreasing oil demand, not increasing oilsands supply