Federal election: Pembina Institute representatives available to comment

Energy policy experts on call to provide analysis and commentary for media coverage of the 2011 federal election

OTTAWA, ON — Representatives of the Pembina Institute will be available to comment on various issues related to energy and the environment during the 2011 federal election.

Areas of expertise include:

  • Climate change — Canada's climate commitments, carbon pricing, carbon capture and storage (CCS), Harper government's performance and policies.
  • Renewable energy and efficiency — federal policy and funding, ecoEnergy programs, clean energy markets, business opportunities, growth targets, impacts of non-renewable sources (coal, nuclear, etc.), Harper government's performance and policies.
  • Oilsands — impacts of development, role of federal government in environmental assessment, monitoring and enforcement, pipelines, pace and scale of oilsands expansion, Harper government's performance and policies.
  • Sustainable Transportation — vehicle efficiency, public transit, low carbon fuel standards, electric vehicles.
  • Clean energy economy — green jobs, fossil fuel subsidies, environmental economics and industry leadership.
  • National energy strategy —regional implications, key players, issues and opportunities.
  • Regional energy issues and opportunities —Primarily B.C., Alberta, the Arctic and Ontario.

Primary spokespeople:

Ed Whittingham
Executive Director
Cell: 403-899-0578
Twitter: @EdWhittingham
Languages: English
Time zone: Mountain

Clare Demerse
Acting Director, Climate Change
Cell: 613-762-7449
Twitter: @ClareDemerse
Languages: English, français
Time zone: Eastern

Alternate media contacts:

Dan Woynillowicz
Director, Strategy and Communications
Cell: 250-551-2072
Twitter: @DanWoy
Languages: English
Time zone: Pacific

Julia Kilpatrick
Media Manager
Cell: 613-265-5579
Twitter: @Pembina
Languages: English, français
Time zone: Eastern


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