Research & Analysis
September 20, 2010
Media Release
First Nations leaders bring concerns over tar sands impacts to U.S. capital

Oil & Gas
September 14, 2010
Toxic Liability
How Albertans Could End Up Paying for Oilsands Mine Reclamation (Report)

September 7, 2010
Our Message to Madam Speaker
Canada could be a leader in a clean energy transition
June 23, 2010
If the oilsands aren’t high carbon, why do oilsands proponents spend so much time fighting low carbon fuel standards?

May 13, 2010
The geography of Canada's greenhouse gas emissions
National numbers mask some huge provincial variations
April 20, 2010
Mackenzie Gas Project should learn lesson from Alberta
Joint review panel has done its work, but it's being negated by industry

March 30, 2010
Power Wedges Thought Leader Forum
Wind and cogeneration opportunities for Alberta
Oil & Gas
March 17, 2010
Drilling Deeper: The In Situ Oilsands Report Card
In Situ Oilsands Report Card