Top 10 blogs of the year

On Nov. 25, 2009, Pembina bravely set foot into the world of
blogging. One year later, we've written more than 100 blogs, which have been
referenced in the news on several occasions, prompted important conversations
with policy-makers and helped shape the debate on Canadian energy issues.

To celebrate one year of Pembina blogging, we've put
together this Top 10 list based on page views. The contents of this list also just so happen to double as a
convenient year in review of Canadian energy and climate issues.

Thanks to all of you for reading, sharing and joining the
discussion — we couldn't do it without you!

1. The geography
of Canada's greenhouse gas emissions
by P.J. Partington

2. Talking climate
change with the skeptics
by Marlo Raynolds

3. 2010 Federal
Budget: Canada hits rock bottom on investments in environment
by Tim Weis

4. Four strikes
against Enbridge's Northern Gateway Pipeline
by Karen Campbell

5. Avatar Sands,
Fairy Tales and First Nations
by Dan Woynillowicz

6. Gulf spill
exploited to paint oilsands green
by Danielle Droitsch

7. The real deal
on the dead ducks
by Jennifer Grant

8. Oilsands PR
blitz anything but balanced
by Simon Dyer

9. European
delegates take home wrong message about oilsands
by Jennifer Grant

10. Leaked
government document says Canada should end fossil fuel subsidies
by Clare