Research & Analysis
November 24, 2009
Media Release
Credit River Watershed provides ecological services worth more than $371 million annually
November 24, 2009
Natural Credit Fact Sheet
Estimating the Value of Natural Capital in the Credit River Watershed
November 24, 2009
Natural Credit
Estimating the Value of Natural Capital in the Credit River Watershed
October 29, 2009
Protection climatique, prospérité économique
Étude sur les conséquences économiques de la réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre et sur les mesures à̀ adopter par le Canada — rapport final
October 29, 2009
Climate Leadership, Economic Prosperity
Final Report on an Economic Study of Greenhouse Gas Targets and Policies for Canada
December 18, 2008
Recommendations for an Economic Stimulus
Strategic investment for green jobs and a competitive and environmentally sustainable economy
November 12, 2007
Big Steps Forward
Green Budget Coalition Recommendations for Budget 2008
October 30, 2007
Carbon Pricing for a Sustainable Economy
Conference Proceedings and Delegate Package
October 26, 2007
Media Release