Pembina Reacts to 2010 Speech from the Throne

March 3, 2010
Media Release

Matthew Bramley, Director of the Pembina Institute's Climate Change Program, made the following statement in response to today's Speech from the Throne:

"Unfortunately, today's speech fails to clearly signal an improvement in the government's poor track record on climate change and investment in the clean energy economy.
Most crucially, the speech is silent on the need to put a cap or a price on greenhouse gas pollution - the single most important step that governments must take to cut emissions.
The speech commits Canada to the important goal of becoming a 'leader in green job creation'. But it also repeats the government's old rhetoric, suggesting that environmental action could put today's jobs at risk.
This week's budget will tell us whether the government really plans to compete in the global race for green jobs, or whether it will continue to delay the most important actions we need to protect the climate."


The Pembina Institute is a non-partisan sustainable energy think tank.

Matthew Bramley
Director, Climate Change Program
613-216-1976 x26

Download the full text of the Throne Speech at

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