Research & Analysis
December 5, 2019
Media Release
Pembina available for comment at COP25
UN climate change conference in Spain
December 5, 2019
Media Release
Report documents political will on key climate actions
Pembina Institute highlights potential for collaboration in Winning on Climate: Action plan for a decarbonized Canadian economy

November 25, 2019
Corporate excitement about renewable energy builds in Alberta
Business Renewables Centre-Canada event signals a bright future for expanding industry

Oil & Gas
November 21, 2019
Landowners' Primer: What you need to know about unreclaimed oil and gas wells
A tool for landowners who find themselves with inactive, suspended, abandoned or orphaned wells on their property.

Oil & Gas
November 21, 2019
What do rural landowners need to know about inactive and orphaned wells?
Pembina Institute’s latest primer on oil and gas liabilities in Alberta

November 18, 2019
Transition from coal could skip natural gas and go straight to renewables
Analysis shows renewables can produce electricity at a lower cost than new gas plants

November 15, 2019
How to create a climate of accountability
We can’t afford to keep missing targets for reducing carbon pollution

November 9, 2019
Carbon Emissions: Who makes big polluters pay
A comparison of provincial and federal industrial carbon pricing systems for industrial emitters

November 9, 2019
Media Release
B.C. makes industrial polluters pay, while Alberta, Ontario, and New Brunswick lag
New Pembina Institute report compares federal and provincial heavy emitter carbon pricing systems
October 30, 2019
Media Release
Businesses applaud transparency on climate legislation
Business Coalition for a Clean Economy responds to B.C. climate accountability bill
October 30, 2019
Media Release
B.C. adds much-needed teeth to climate plan
Pembina Institute reacts to Climate Change Accountability Act amendments
Oil & Gas
October 29, 2019
Media Release
TIER weakens incentives for technology, innovation and emissions reductions
Pembina Institute reacts to tabling of Alberta’s industrial carbon pricing system