Research & Analysis
February 28, 2007
Media Release
Rubber-stamp of Another Dirty Tar Sands Project Shows Failure of Leadership

February 27, 2007
Accelerated Capital Cost Allowance for Oilsands
Submission to the Standing Committe on Finance
February 27, 2007
Pembina Institute Comments on Environment Canada's Notice of Intent to Develop a Federal Regulation Requiring Renewable Fuels

February 26, 2007
Media Release
Assessment of Massive Mackenzie Pipeline Must Include How Mackenzie Gas Will Be Used
Gas Fueling Tar Sands Expansion and Global Warming Unacceptable, Groups Say at Edmonton Hearing
February 23, 2007
Thought Leader Forum on Environmental NGO-Industry Collaboration
November 14, 2006: Post-forum proceedings summary

February 20, 2007
Media Release
Fair Share, Green Share
An Affordable Plan For Canadian Industry To Do Its Part on Climate Change
February 20, 2007
Fair Share, Green Share: A Proposal For Regulating Greenhouse Gases From Canadian Industry
Submission to the House of Commons Legislative Committee on Bill C-30, February 20, 2007
February 20, 2007
Media Release
Faire sa part pour un monde plus vert : Un plan de lutte contre le changement climatique abordable pour l'industrie

February 20, 2007
Faire sa part pour un monde plus vert : Proposition visant la réglementation des gaz à effet de serre du secteur industriel canadien