Research & Analysis
October 24, 2008
Energy and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Analysis for New Residential Buildings on Salt Spring Island

October 24, 2008
Submission to the British Columbia Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services
British Columbia's Carbon Tax: Strengths and Opportunities
October 17, 2008
Media Release
Alberta's New Land-Use Framework at Critical Phase
New report provides implementation roadmap for "making it real"
October 16, 2008
Media Release
Majority Vote For Action on Climate Change
Canadian Environment Groups Call on New Parliament to Cooperate and Deliver
October 10, 2008
Media Release
Climate Action Team Moves Province One Step Closer to a Low Carbon Future
Provincial leaders must now implement climate change recommendations

October 8, 2008
Putting a Price on Pollution
Assessment of the Federal Parties' Plans to Fight Climate Change
October 6, 2008
Climate Change not Climate Action is the Real Risk
Climate action isn't just about avoiding the human and environmental chaos of global warming; it's about cashing in on significant new economic opportunities.
October 6, 2008
Responses to the B.C. Climate Action Team's Forestry Recommendations from British Columbia Environmental Non-governmental Organizations